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2003 Miccosukee Road
Tallahassee, FL  32308
Office: 850.309.0356
Text: 850.629.0345
Fax: 850.309.0358
Monday through Thursday
 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM
 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM
 Please call  for  an appointment.
 How can we help you?

Please be advised that by using this form to contact our office, we are not confirming an appointment nor establishing a physician-patient relationship.  As a user of this mode of communication and of our website, you assume all risks with placing confidential information into this portal. This form of communication is not intended for acute, emergency, or life-threatening health conditions.

Call Dr. Morales and his team for healthy solutions on how to look and feel your best.

Why wait? Call (850) 309-0356 today! 

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